Friday, April 13, 2012

Giveaway, Interview, and Kisses for all Mothers in the world

Hei it's Friday! What a week! Busy but productive, I'm happy.

After a few times of going back and forth, I finally got a chance to chat with Lelanie from to sew with love. and agreed to host a giveaway for mother's day. The little informal interview was quite relaxing, it lets me think of things I never thought about.  Anyhow if you are curious to know more about me, you are welcome to take a peek. This is my first time hosting a giveaway, to be honest, I have a bit of a giddy, just like last time I had my first black friday. *crossing my finger. 

This weekend I feel like lazying around at home while watching horor movies.  And for you, I'm sharing what I have been keeping for a long time in my photo file.. They were being taken somewhere around Beaubourg. Have a good weekend! Don't forget to call your mother and tell her how much you love her this weekend <3 

Kisses for all the mother in the world <3 

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