Monday, November 04, 2019

I Lost My Phone

I am quite careless with this thing I admit. Inside the toilet, on the entrance of the house, in the kitchen between forks and spoons and next to the fridge, there are specific places where I put my phone that I know for sure. Have checked all these places, it's not there.

Writing a note right now so I can get away with that feeling of small, lost, and disbelieve.

One thing for sure is that the phone is at home.

Because when I arrived at the front door of my apartment, I didn't took off my earphone because I wanted to finish the chapter 7 from my audiobook "Sapiens" by Yuval Noah Harari.  Got inside the apartment, fold the scooter, walked upstairs, turned the door key, got inside, put away the scooter, took off the jacket, no, I took out my phone that was on the front pocket of the jacket first, then took it off, then hung it on the coat hanger. Then what?

Then I walked into the kitchen and did my thing. I prepared lunch, the phone is not there. Then D's cousin walked in, hung out with him for little bit, while playing with my phone, or did I play with it?

Well, now it's after lunch, and I could have played with the phone while hanging out on the sofa, but here I am. Feeling, lost. Seriously.

I could read a book, I could make some jewellery, but where would this phone be?

Dinh had looked around the house, swept the whole apartment! no luck. He called my phone but as always it is on silent. Got him yelled at me a little well, my fault, I always think that if my ringer is on it will wake up my baby.  Thing is the baby is now almost 6! Even if there's a thunder she would not wake up.

I am back!!!

Ok I found my phone !!!

Earlier I typed "How to find my android that is on silent", google suggested me to go to this site and it forced the phone to ring even if it is on silent mode.

My gosh. the phone is on the sofa all this time! How didn't I know, you ask. Actually it is hidden under a Donald Duck comics belonged to my daughter, she must have read them but forgot to put them away. The comic was opened, so I don't want to screw up with the page. I didn't even try to lift it to find out. And it's there all these 3 hours time !!!

D's aunt was here too experience all these, poor lady. Superstitious as an old asian lady, she asked the guardian of the house to reveal where the phone is.  When the phone rang she came out of her room and she said,

"You found it right? I just asked the guardian of the house to help you."
"When?" I asked
"Like 5 minutes ago."

I am somewhat superstitious so I kinda thing that it's the guardian of the house who told me to look on google.

"You need to buy bananas tomorrow." she continued
"Because I promise this to the guardian of the house once he found your phone"

I bought 4 very gorgeous bananas I could find the day after.

Just out of curiousity, you believe in superstitious?


  1. Cool! I didn't know you can force the phone to ring! Good thing Google or was it guardian of the house?! helped you find your phone :D

    1. Lol good way of looking at it thanks Google

  2. Funny that all cultures seem to have some higher spirit to find lost things. My gran would pray to Saint Antoine and then she'd have to light a candle in church to thank him.
    And better be on the safe side and get the bananas ;)

    1. Wow isn't that funny! Thanks for sharing. I got a week of banana supplies :)

  3. Good to know about the forced sound as mine is often on silent :D
    Glad you found it!

  4. Love this story! so, where have the bananas gone?❤️

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


  6. I do not believe. I am a very rational person

  7. yikes, loosing stuff can be so nerve wrecking!
    It happens to be in my art studio on the regular, I might loose my favorite tool or the color I need to paint and sometimes it takes hours or days to find it again. ^^'
    Good thing your found your phone again! And good to know there's this forced ringing!
