Monday, March 02, 2020

How I Behave on Instagram

As a user, I like to scroll through instagram and the 1 minute clip post is a perfect length video for me to see more than just an image, and to know more about the message more without losing too much time. The first time when I click on the application is to go ahead to click on the loop icon that is next to the home and see what are the new post. I don't normally scroll through my feed because I don't like how I need to scroll through the image to see the next one.  Instagram knows what I like so it would feed me whatever it knows I like. However if I want to look for other items, I can either follow the hashtag or I do a search hashtag on top.  

Now, as the instagrammer, meaning those who use instagram to create a brand. I have a couple of tips that I had been using since this last post. I am not the kind of person who like to spend hours and hours to listen to tips and trick (oops maybe this is not good) but anyway. Last September, I browsed "Instagram trick 2019" on google and watched the first two video appeared on google search. I liked the idea and follow their lead. thus I shared the experience here.    

Back then the follower was 200ish, and now as I type I had reached up to 800ish followers. 

With this I would like to share you what I had been doing since.

1. Photography
I take photography very seriously. The ultimate most liked post had been the one took with DLSR camera, however if you have a good camera phone this is what I had been using since two months ago. 

2. Hashtag.  
Instagram allow you to use 30 hashtag to reach to the maximum audience. USE IT. but what is hashtag? It is what the instagram users use to the content they are looking for.  How to hashtag? if you click on the instagram icon, on your left screen you will see a home icon, and next the loop. Click on that. On the top screen now click on the search and type #(whatever hashtag you are looking for). In my example is #handmadejewelry and then on the drop down menu there will be a lot of hashtag that is related to my search for example #handmadejewelrydesign etc.. Then under that there is this quantity of the post. For example #handmadejewelryforsale has 17.5k posts. 
So, I read it somewhere that you should mix the popular hashtag (those that had been used more than 100K times) with the niche hashtag (those that had been used for just 100 times) that way you cover almost every audience. 

3. Story
For me, personally, I like to follow instagrammer who not only has the content that I am interested in but also who has a good story behind the image. What is a good story? Good story for me is a story that your follower can relate to. It is not easy to built a story for sure, but you need to make an effort to stand out from the others.  Think about what are the things that happened today, tomorrow, last week.  Funny stories, sad but meaningful can be amazing, story about family history or tradition, your culture difference. Be careful about telling sad story because you don't want to bring down the mood. No self pity post or I am the victim post or criticise other community, or venting about something, although it might be acceptable if you have happy ending I think. Again this is for my experience. You don't want to overshare either, like story about your wife, husband, kids can stay within your family and should not be overshared, people don't want to know about it either. But you can share about the funny story that happened that day, that involved your family, and related to the post. I have so many things I want to talk about about this subject, I might do a special post for this topic. 

4. Frequency
On my account at @lesbijouxdesiany I post almost everyday. Perhaps 6 times per week. On the other account @sianykitty it's 3 times per week. And the third account @kittystitchy it is perhaps once a month (or less than that). The more often you post the most chance you will have more people consulting your feed, thus follower. 

5. Liking and Commenting
For the post that I really like, I took time to comment. For the post that I scroll through I tend to just double click. This is my behavior as an instagram user. How do I behave as an account owner? first I take time to thank every comments came my way. (like mentioned on this post) I also comment back to their listing, and I have # that I follow that I comment almost all of the post under that hashtag. This creates community. I had made a couple of friends thank's to this method. 

And Finally, No.6. is to HAVE FUN. 
Remember life is about having fun while going through it. Finding little things that please you. Take more time to do the little things that you enjoy. 

I will finish this post by telling you a story.  Yesterday I had a job that I don't like to do. Calling people for work purposes. The inner me is screaming, "SIANY call these people already!!" I was nervous and restless. I procrastinated because my French is not that good, I was insecure, I didn't have the confident. My head kept on going back and forth asking the same question, what if I can't understand what they say? But I did something that change my perspective, I woke up early, took time to take care of my plants, because I love doing it more than anything, I decorate a little bit, and once I found the zen and peace I need, I scribbled some phrases that I will say to them and dialed the number. The job is far from being done, for I still need to call 3 people. But for that day, I consider that it was done, and I win :) 

If you have read up to this far, I congratulate you :):) and wish you have a good day :) xoxo


  1. Great tips!
    p.s. I hate making calls no matter what language :D

  2. same hear, hate making calls.
    Great tips indeed! I think taking pictures with a DSLR is really the key to a better profile. I only use a DSLR for my instagram, it makes a big difference. Also be sure to take pictures in good light.

  3. Thanks. This is a great action plan.
