Friday, September 23, 2011

Centre George Pompidou exposition: Blobterre and Green Attitude

Look what I found in the mail this morning. Invitation!

Since we have laissez-passer for this museum, me and D are by default invited to the opening of every expositions.  I am not sure how many invitations were sent to us, but amongst those we just happened to come to one, by accident.  It was memorable, there was a techno show, and lots of old video games, like tetris and pacman, laying around in the room to be operated in a different way. Too bad that I couldn't remember the name of the exhibition, but I promise I'll find it out. 

I would love to come to all of them but there are always things that stops me from going.  This brings us wondering do we really don't have time or is it us who are reluctant to meet people? 

You probably already guessed what we'll do with this invitation. But hopefully this time we have a stronger reason, for the night of October the 8th 2011 we'll be dining and celebrating our wedding with our family and friends.  In anyway, enjoy your weekend! <3   

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