Monday, November 14, 2011

Sixth Floor at the Museum

 Until January 9th next year, I imagine the 6th floor at the Centre George Pompidou would be packed with the admirers of Edvard Munch. As that was the case on my last visit.  I was positively hoping to see the scream, and its different versions.  But even with the absent of this most famous painting I feel so much consumed by his dramatic way of explaining everything. I personally adore the versions of the sick child, the vampire, and the immense series of the crying girl.  My favorite, thank's to the pallette, is the Avenue in the Snow.  Despite of the topics he is interested in: the dramas, the bloody images and the tragedies, this impressionnist artist never stops seeing beautiful colors. Bravo! 

Awww.. you don't expect me to take pictures from the gallery, do you? I'm not allowed, sorry.  But here, our capture from the museum, just from the balcon of the 6th floor: a comedian who try to slow-motion a murder scene.  Quite impressive compared to other performance artist I've seen from the same area, I stayed more than ten minutes to find out if he failed to stab his victim.  

And Ahhhh, Paris... take my breath away, as always..There were a lot of drama in the sky that day but that makes it more gorgeous. Isn't it?

And Finally, a sneak peak of my latest inspiration.  I hope you don't think that I came to Centre George Pompidou only for Edvard Munch, because I also took a peak at the south gallery and found the work of art that have been inspiring me these last seven days.  Fortunately, oh I feel so fortunately, we are allowed to take several photos in the gallery, and the photo above is one of them.  I'll talk about it more on my next post. In the meantime, have a good day!

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